Comprehensive Student Knowledge Network Website Deputy for Science, Technology, and Knowledge-based Economy
Development of this website started in February 2023 and was completed in July 2023.
Comprehensive Student Knowledge Network Website Deputy for Science, Technology, and Knowledge-based Economy
Website Introduction
The Comprehensive Student Knowledge Network is a system for integrating all activities of the Deputy for Science. The purpose of this website is to familiarize students of different levels with technological topics and prepare them for entry into the new world job market. The student network website includes various sections to achieve this goal. The Companies section introduces active companies in the field of education and research. The News section contains the latest news in the fields of technology and education. Educational courses for students or teachers are available on another website called the National School, and these courses are provided with the support of the development technology departments of the Deputy for Science. The Departments section also introduces these departments.
In the Admin Panel section, administrators of the site can manage users, companies, departments, and news.
Introduction to Modules
Custom CMS
In this module, various content types such as videos, images, and files can be added to the website in the form of news, with custom styling. Adding, editing, and deleting news is possible in the admin panel.
User Registration and Profiles
Registration is done with user-provided information and confirmation code. Each user, with permission to edit, can modify their information. Users, based on their type (teacher, student, etc.), must provide specific documents or information.Features:
Registration with confirmation code
Possibility to edit user information
Possibility to view user profile
Fields specific to user type
Companies Module
Adding companies is done by site administrators. Each company has initial information such as address, city, province, phone number, activity description, etc. Additionally, each company can have multiple operators. The operators of a company can edit the company's information through their dedicated panel, add new news related to the company, or edit previous news. The changes made by company operators must be approved or rejected by the site admin. If approved, the company information on the site will be automatically updated. Company operators can view the list of their changes and their approval or rejection status.
- Company Operator Panel

Departments Module
Adding departments is done by site administrators. Each department has initial information such as address, city, province, phone number, activity description, etc. Additionally, each department can have multiple operators. The operators of a department can edit the department's information through their dedicated panel, add new news related to the department, or edit previous news. Each course on the National School site can be associated with a department, and in the department operator's panel, the management of courses related to that department is performed. The changes made by department operators must be approved or rejected by the site admin. If approved, the department information on the site will be automatically updated. Department operators can view the list of their changes and their approval or rejection status.
- Department Operator Panel
Management Module
In the admin panel, news, companies, departments, and users are managed. The admin panel also includes a section for viewing overall site statistics and provides the capability to generate reports for companies, departments, and users. Approving or rejecting changes made by company and department operators is also possible in the admin panel.
Admin Panel Features:
View overall statistics
Add, edit, and delete site news
Add, edit, and delete users' information
Add, edit, and delete companies or departments
Approve or reject changes to departments and companies
Approve or reject user comments
Manage categories for news, companies, and departments